I have two young boys. After the second was born last summer, I decided that
I needed to get into some sort of reasonable shape if I wanted to someday see
my grandchildren. I wouldn't say that I was grossly unhealthy, but I certainly
wasn't overly healthy either. More importantly, I didn't like how I felt and
how I looked.
I am 35, 6'5" and last August I was about 225lbs. Before last August, I
hadn't ran, biked, swam or seriously worked out for about 7 years. Even then, the
workouts 7 years previous only lasted for about three months, and then I lost
the weight and stopped working out. At that point, I had hit my lifetime max of
235lbs, and that brief stint of working out and running got me down to 205lbs.
The runs were never more than a mile.
Back to August. My wife and I had bought a treadmill the previous winter so
that she could get in some walking while being pregnant during the winter
months. I teach, and my one goal for my four week summer break was to get in at
least one run. Even though it was summer, I had no intention of running outside
and opening myself up to the possibility of public failure and ridicule. Again,
a bit melodramatic, I know. I'm sure no one in the city or neighborhood would
have cared or noticed if I had ran outside, but in my mind running outside was
a terrifying prospect that was never going to happen. Of course, it got to be
the last Sunday of my break and I still hadn't been for a run on the treadmill.
I decided to suck it up and give it a try. I put a photo of my boys in front
of the tread mill, put on my one and only pair of athletic shorts (which I wore
the day I left home and moved to college) and started off on my treadmill run.
I HATED EVERY MINUTE OF IT. I ran with no incline and tried for a mile at 5mph.
After about 45 seconds I had to hold on the side rails, but after 12 minutes of
huffing and puffing like a water buffalo I did finally made it to the 1 mile
I dream about running. I have for years. I dream about running with no end
in sight. I dream of running with unlimited stamina and unequaled grace.
In my dreams I run on grass, beaches and
hardtops, and I’m jumping over curbs, puddles, and out of the way of the
occasional dog.
I dream of running with
friends and alone.
I dream of being
happy while I run.
Running with a smile,
that’s how my dreams go.
I don’t know
where these dreams come from, but my running dreams are my favorite.
Anyhoo, this time I didn't give up on
the running right away. That side rail aided mile gradually turned into a
non-aided mile, then 2 miles and then a 5k. I always thought 5k sounded so much
cooler than 3 miles and change.
I still
think it’s a kick to say it.
After I got
up to 3.1 miles, I started over at 6mph, and again gradually worked my way up
to a 5k. Finally, I started over one more time and made my way up to a 5k at
6mph with a 2% incline (one of only two setting on our treadmill). That
sequence took about six months. After about 2 months I was back down to 205lbs.
My running was almost always at night. Sometimes it was after we got the kids
into bed (around 8:30pm), and other times it was after my night class in the
fall which usually got me home around 9:00pm. At the start, I was shooting for
(and getting in) three runs per week, and after a few months that average
started to dip to about two runs a week. For most of October and November I
average about six miles of running per week.
By the time that January of this year came around, I was usually running
once, maybe twice a week (two to three miles, 6mph, 2% incline). I knew where
this was going, I still hadn't ran outside (lots of snow this winter) and it
looked like I was going to stop out before spring came. I felt and looked
better, I didn't tire out while playing with the kids and I was more confident
in my health. But, I was running on a dead end street.
I'm not a believer in signs and things of the like, but a couple fun coincidences
popped up and I went with it. On February 17th, I happened upon the website for
a sprint triathlon that would take place on August 17, 2014. I had originally
started running on August 19, 2013. The event was going to take place just
about ten miles from my home. After some more kicking around, I also found a
10k fun run that was similarly taking place just a few miles from my house, and
that event was going to take place on May 17th. So, I signed up for both. I had
exactly three months until the 10k and exactly 6 months until the sprint
triathlon which is going to be a 0.25mile swim, 17.3mile bike and a 5k run.
There is a folder somewhere in my basement storage room that has a bucket
list that I wrote in college.
I don't
remember everything that is on it, but I know number one says “Finish a Race”.
Hopefully I’ll get to check that off this year.
Today is February 24; I'm one week in to training. Last week I did 7.2 miles
in three runs and I started a workout to improve my core strength.