Lake Marion Triathlon
Antlers Park August 17, 2014
0.25 mile/ 17.3 mile/ 5K
I had been
looking forward to the Lake Marion Triathlon since February. I signed up exactly six months before the
August 17 race date. I thought it would
be fitting end to a year of exercise; my first run (in seven years) had been on
August 19, 2013.
Leading up
to the race, I was averaging the following during training.
9:00 pace on runs that averaged about 3.4 miles
16.7mph on bike rides that averaged 13.4 miles
1100yd training swims split two or three ways
My time
breakdown and predicted reactions were as follows:
Over 2:00 Failure
1:55-2:00 At least I
did it
1:50-1:55 Good enough
1:45-1:50 Happy
1:40-1:45 Awesome
Under 1:40 Able to retire
as champion of the world
probably obvious by my listing of the training averages above that I purchased
a new watch. I got the Garmin Forerunner
10 and quickly became obsessed with time, pace, speed, distance, elevation and the
splits thereof. I teach in the math
department at a local community college so it’s easy for me to get obsessive
over the numbers. For example, if my
transition times don’t change and I swim, bike and run at the same rates as in
the Chaska Triathlon, then I would end this race with a time of 1:47:20. Similarly, if I maintain transition times
and hit my training averages with a cut equivalent to three minutes off my
embarrassing Chaska swim, then my total race time would be 1:42:40. I was feeling good going into the race; I had
no aches or pains holding me back.
I picked up
my registration packed on Saturday afternoon (Sunday race). The t-shirt for this race was awesome. The other ones I’ve received throughout the
year are a little too “Look at me!” for my taste. This t-shirt is a darker green and is going
to get worn a lot. Also in the packet
was a tri race belt for your bib number.
I was thinking about buying one of these, so that was a nice
surprise. I didn’t use the belt for the
race; I went with the same two shirt combo as in the Chaska race.
The race takes
place only about 20 minutes from my house.
I ran the 5K loop for practice a couple days before the race, and I
drove the bike course after I picked up my registration packet. Flat, flat, flat! This was so much different than the hills on
the Chaska course. The bike only has
about three short climbs, and the run similarly only has three short uphill
sections. On my practice run, I even
broke twenty seven minutes (just barely) on the 5K.
After the
swimming debacle in Chaska, I did get in one open water practice before the
Lake Marion Tri. On the practice swim (in the same lake as race day) the first
go was a mess, but the attempts after I warmed up went smooth. I decided that
the key to race day was going to be getting in a little practice swim before
the start of my wave.
On race day
I got up early and got to the park just after transition opened up. When I was topping of my tire pressure, I
heard a sudden hiss sound and my heart skipped a beat before I heard the
accompanying cussing from the fellow whose tire had sprung a leak. Poor guy, I’d say a flat tire is my biggest worry
going into race day. Maybe it was lucky
that he had it happen to him in the parking lot and not on the ride? Nope. I
unpacked my stuff and headed to transition.
After I was set up, I took off for a short warmup jog. When I got back to transition the same guy
was changing another flat tire. That’s
some rotten luck; it couldn’t possibly happen again. Could it? Yup; I saw him walking his bike back when I
got on the bike course later. I felt bad
for the guy.
Anyhoo, going
down to lake for the pre-race meeting I saw the buoys for the Olympic
swim. Wow, that is a long swim. I had actually sent an email in the spring
with a request to be change my registration to the Olympic race. Luckily, no one got back to my until race
week, and by that time I was only training and ready for the short course. I thought about dumbing it up and trying for
the long course, but I was able to work myself out of that stupid
decision. After seeing the length of
that swim, I was very happy with my decision.
The sprint swim, on the other hand, looked short and quick.
It was
humid, warm but not hot and there wasn’t much wind. It was race time.
Swim: ¼ mile
Don’t embarrass yourself.
Actual: Awesome.
After the
pre-race meeting I got in the water and did a little swim. The water was chilly, but not cold enough to
be uncomfortable. It was probably
similar to the temp of the lap pool at the Y.
When the waves started to go off everyone got out of their way, but
there was still a little area off to the side where you could get in the
water. I waded in and took a few strokes
here and there right up until my wave was about to start.
I lined up
in the back of the pack for my wave, and walked into the water when we got the
starting signal. This swim went
great! This was everything the Chaska
swim was not. Once I dropped in and
started to swim I had no problems. I got kicked and accidently kicked others a couple times, but nothing that threw me off too
much. It was easy strokes and easy
breathing. It was a triangle course, and
I stayed out wide most of the swim. That
probably added a little extra time, but that’s where I ended up being comfortable. Rounding the last buoy, I picked up the pace
a bit and even passed a couple guys from the heat that took off before us. Getting to shore I looked at my watch and it
said 8:15! What a change from
Chaska. After the swim in Chaska I
wanted to quit, and after this swim I felt like the king of the world. My official swim time was a little slower due
to when I started my watch and checking the time before crossing the mat to T1.
Swim Time: 8:33 with an average of 1:57
per 100 yards
Chaska Comparison: an average of 2:31 per 100 yards
Goal: Less
than three tries to put on my shirt.
Actual: Three
The run up
to transition was a little further than I would have liked to jog without
my shoes. I suppose that’s probably
always the case. My idiot thing about T1
was that I messed up the timing on my watch.
First, I reset the timing, so I wasn’t going to get an accurate total
time for the race. Second, I noticed that
I had the watch set to “auto pause”, so my stationary time in transition was
not going to be recorded on my watch either.
Nuts. Otherhows, T1 went off
without too many problems. It is tough
getting my shirt on when wet. I’ll have
to figure out a better plan for T1 next year.
T1 Time:
Chaska Time: 3:07
Bike: 17.3 miles
Goal: Less
than one hour on the bike.
Actual: Less
than one hour on the bike.
The bike
went well. The course starts off riding
through Lakeville, then you head into the country and finally you loop back around
to the lake. The course is mostly flat
and fast. I’ve never had an average speed
as fast as I did on this course. The
flats had to be the key. By my watch, this
bike course had about 300 ft of elevation change, and my typical 16 mile
training loop has about 450 ft of elevation change.
At least I thought
I was fast. I must have been passed by
20-30 people on the bike. Every time a
group passed me I would check my watch to confirm my speed, and it kept saying I
was ahead of my goal. It didn’t look
like I had any reason to try to speed it up (it’s not like I was holding back
anyway). So, I figured bully for those
fast folks, and I stuck to my pre-race goal of getting off the bike within an
I had a
water bottle on my bike and I brought a gu packet of the type that I had been
using on my longer training sessions. I
took the gu about 45 minutes into the bike.
I was sipping water throughout the bike, but I didn’t end up taking down
much of my bottle. Coming back to the
lake, I saw my family waiting at the last corner before the turn into
transition. My oldest boy (Cooper, 3
yrs) was pretty jazzed to see me, as I was to see them.
Bike Time:
57:21 average speed 18.1mph
Chaska Time: average speed 16.5mph
Goal: Quick
Actual: Quick
T2 has been
quick for both races. I suppose my T1 is
too slow and my T2 is fast, so it balances out.
I had pinned my bib to my run shirt again, so with the rack of my bike
and a quick change I was off.
T2 Time:
Chaska Time: 0:42
Run: 5K
A minute faster than Chaska
Actual: Missed
it by that much.
As I left T2
I saw the family again and the cheered me on my way. My wife is a trooper. It’s not easy trying to corral two little boys
in a big park with lots of people while dad runs around and has fun. She did it both races this year without any
complains, and it wouldn’t have been the same if they weren’t there. She’s an amazing woman, and I love hear
I had run
the 5K course as practice a few days before the race. I knew it hit the same hill twice on the out
and back and that there was an incline on the turn around. I decided that I was going to take the first
half mile a little easier that balls out; I didn’t want to have to stop or
walk. My splits ended up being 8:50,
9:30 and 9:10.
The run was
mostly uneventful, and for the most part it felt like I was running alone. I
know there were racers around me, but I just wasn’t noticing them. I did see one fella ditch into the trees to
relieve himself (vomit or potty, I don’t know).
And, there was another guy who I traded leads with about four times. In the end, he pulled away toward the finish.
In the last
few hundred yards, the course winds through a wooded trail. I’m sure I was alone in there. It was darker, cool and quiet before you run
back into the sun and the finish line. It
was a great end to the race where I had lots of fun.
Run time: 28:39
with a 9:15 pace
Chaska Time: 29:36 with a 9:32 pace
The clock at
the finish line read around 1:49:00. I
had reset my watch after the swim so, again, I wasn’t sure of my total
time. I went off in the 5th
wave so I figured that I was around 12 minutes behind the clock. It looked like it was going to be a really
good time, but I was going to have to wait until I could find a results board
(never did) or some internet access.
Great race! Good weather, good event
times, great to see my family at the finish line. Without a doubt, I’ll be a Marion again next
year; maybe I’ll try the Olympic length.
Total Time:
Time Comparison |
Packing up after the race. |
Pic from the race's facebook page.